Author Visits

Two of my great joys in life are writing and teaching. I am excited to be able to bring these two things together as a visiting author! Please note that I am happy to work with you to develop workshops to meet your needs.
I am available for both on-site and virtual visits to your school or organization. I offer one free 15-20 minute virtual presentation to schools per semester, consisting of an interactive read-aloud and Q&A. I offer additional 15-20 minute virtual lessons for $45.00 a session. I also offer 40-45 minute virtual presentations for $95.00 per visit. My in-person school visit rate is $250.00 per 40-45 minute session. I am happy to work with you to meet your budgetary needs.
If you are interested in a school visit or would like more information, please contact me at
Liz Rey, Librarian, Bates School, Wellesley, MA
Jane Kohuth was a wonderful, entertaining visiting author for our first graders. She was interesting, energetic, and lots and lots of fun! We got an up close look at the books she has published and all the hard work that went into them. A great, inspirational visit….thank you, Jane!
Allison Hogan, First Grade Teacher at the Episcopal School of Dallas
My students are addicted to writing. It is all they want to do . . . I honestly think it all started when we skyped with the author Jane Kohuth. The students were mesmerized to hear that even adults take their writing through the writing process. Thank you Skype in the Clasroom and Jane for giving my students the motivation they need.
Mrs. Nels, Oakdale Elementary
We celebrated Picture Book Month with Jane Kohuth. The students loved hearing her read Duck Sock Hop as well as taking a tour of her studio. Her visit was perfect for our 1st graders and they are still talking about it!

How Do You Grow up to Be a Writer?
How do you go from a kid who likes books to a grown-up who creates books? How does a story idea become a book you can buy in a store or take out of the library? I loved reading and writing when I was growing up, but writers seemed like mysterious, possibly magical figures. In this presentation I'll talk about how I came to do what I do today, my writing process, and how you get a book published. Think you're done when an editor buys your book? Nope! Now it's time to revise AGAIN. Kids will get to see what a manuscript looks like from messy first draft, to typed page covered in notes from critique partners and editors, to final work. They'll even get to see how the pictures get revised! Note: At the end of the presentation I will be happy to answer students' questions. For a large group, consider choosing questions ahead of time.
You’ve Got the Etrog!
Kids will visit the sukkah along with Warthog and his friends and learn to wave the lulav in an intertactive read-aloud of Who’s Got the Etrog?, a joyful Sukkot story set in the Abayudaya Jewish community in Uganda. Presentations can include giving children the opportunity to hold (and sniff!) a real lulav and etrog while learning the blessings, learning more about the Abayudaya and other surprising and diverse Jewish communities around the world, and doing an African animal sukkah decoration craft.
What’s a Mensch?
(And Some Other Yiddish Words)
In this workshop, students will be introduced to the contributions of Jewish immigrants to American culture through the many Yiddish words and expressions that have become part of the English language. (Who doesn't know what a bagel is these days?) We'll then take a closer look at the word "mensch" and the concept behind it. Students will end with the "Mensch Challenge" -- coming up with ways they've been mensches in the past, as well as three ways they want to be mensches in the coming months. (Classes can also choose to come up with group goals.)
Tips for a Great Author Visit
Students will get the most out of a presentation if they are grouped with others of the same age. I suggest single grade groupings or groupings like K-1, 2-3, etc.
Have a teacher or librarian introduce the visiting author's book(s) before the visit. Come up with good questions to ask ahead of time.
Talk about appropriate behavior during an Author Visit. Treat the visiting author as you would a teacher. Classroom rules apply!
Arrange to have signed books available for students. You can reach out to a local bookstore or order books through the publsiher’s website. Plan with the author when they will be able to sign and personalize books. On the day of the visit, students will then be able to take home a signed and personalized copy of the author's book as a memento of the day -- and perhaps an inspiration!